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Anthony Robbins Biography

Posted at 8:45 PM by lusmin
Anthony Robbins BiographyTony was born on 29th February 1960, a birthday he should only celebrate every leap year. He often talks about his mother having several partners and he having several fathers during his upbringing. The Robbins family often did not have much money and he has talked about charity being offered to them on Thanks Giving.

Anthony Robbins has always been big in stature, but also big on goals too. By his late teens he had already found himself studying NLP (Nero Linguistic Programming) with John Grinder, one of the founders of NLP. He did this by just pure determination and not excepting a no for an answer, so that John finally agreed to show him the skills. Still in his late teens he developed his own diamond method and became very popular in helping peoples' fears and phobias.

He was labeled the "Wonder Kid" and was even written about in the national press and was earning some quite substantial money for someone of his age. But with success came self destruction and soon after, Anthony Robbins found himself sitting in a bachelor pad, overweight and where his biggest priority was to watch general Hospital on TV.

He describes a friend coming around to his apartment and convincing him that he was wasting his life away as the turning point at this stage. Anthony clearly had the tools and skills; he just was choosing not to demand more from himself. From this day he never looked back.

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